Features Benefits
• Better than ±0.5% accuracy
• Reliable pressure measurement
• 3.33 mV/V FSO
• Standard low level output
• Internal 80% shunt calibration
• Easy set - up
• All stainless steel wetted parts
• Corrosion resistant
• 0 - 500 to 0 - 30,000 psi
• Choice of pressure ranges
• Good stability and repeatability
• Reliable measurement
• Flexible stem
• Easy to install and ideal for high
local temperatures
Performance Characteristics
Ranges (psi): 0 - 500, 0 - 750,
Mounting torque: 500 inch - lbs.
0 - 1,000, 0 - 1,500, 0 - 3,000,
0 - 5,000, 0 - 7,500, 0 - 10,000,
Maximum pressure: 2 x full range
0 - 15,000, 0 - 20,000, 0 - 30,000
or 35,000 psi (whichever is less)
Accuracy: ±0.5% FSO
Material in contact with pressure
Repeatability: ±0.2% FSO
media: 15 - 5 PH stainless steel,
DyMax™ coated
Weight: 1.5 lbs.
Electrical Characteristics
Configuration: Four active arm
Excitation: 10 Vdc recommended,
bonded Wheatstone bridge strain
12 Vdc maximum
Internal shunt calibration (R-Cal):
Bridge resistance: Input:345 Ohms
80% FSO ±1.0%
minimum; Output:350 Ohms ±10
Insulation resistance: 1,000
Full scale output: 3.33 mV/V ±2%
megohms at 50 Vdc
Zero balance: ±10% full scale
Temperature Characteristics
Transducer diaphragm:
Electronics housing:
Maximum diaphragm temperature:
Maximum temperature: 250°F(121°C)
750°F (400°C)
Zero shift due to temperature
Zero shift due to temperature change:
change: 0.05% full scale/°F
25 psi/100°F maximum
maximum (0.10% full scale/°C)
(45 psi/100°C)
Sensitivity shift due to temperature
change: 0.02% full scale/°F
maximum (0.04% full scale/°C)